Badass Basic Bitch

Inner Peace Unveiled: Navigating Anxiety with Lily Sais

April 23, 2024 Brianna Dunbar/Lily Sais Season 2 Episode 126

On this week's episode,  we are joined by Lily Sais, a mental health expert with over 15 years of experience. From battling anxiety, panic, and OCD for seven long years to discovering a transformative approach. Lily's story is one of resilience and inspiration. Founder of "Peace From Within," Lily shares her mission to guide others towards lasting relief from anxiety through a simple framework rooted in understanding the workings of the mind. With qualifications including a degree in Psychology and mentorship from renowned figures in the field, Lily's expertise shines as she helps listeners navigate towards embracing their true selves and finding freedom in their lives.

More about Lily!
Lily, a seasoned mental health professional with over 15 years of experience, began her career as a school psychologist. Her journey was marked by personal struggles with anxiety, panic, and OCD for seven years until she found a transformative approach in 2018. This breakthrough not only brought her lasting relief but also inspired her to help others find peace. In 2020, Lily founded "Peace From Within" and transitioned from her role as a lead school psychologist to become an anxiety coach. She offers a simple framework to help clients understand how their minds and thoughts function, guiding them towards embracing their true selves and finding freedom from anxiety. Lily holds a degree in Psychology and a Master's in Educational Psychology with a PPS in School Psychology. She is a registered practitioner with the Three Principles Global Community and has completed training programs with renowned mentors like Dr. Bill Pettit and George and Linda Pransky.

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