Badass Basic Bitch
Brianna was born in New York and raised by a single mom of 5 kids. Through her struggles with self-worth and battling an eating disorder for over a decade, Brianna found herself packing everything in her Honda Civic and moving 3,000 miles to California where she knew no one, to chase an entrepreneur dream.
She found her passion, voice, and used her scrappiness and hardships to achieve something no one ever thought she could; creating a multi-million dollar company, which she sold. But then she found herself in the middle of her own divorce leaving her a single mom of 3. Now, remarried, Brianna lives in Austin with her husband and four children, as she continues to build companies and empower women to see they are enough.
So, what is a Badass Basic Bitch? It all started at an event, in a deep debate when another woman called Brianna a “basic bitch”. Quick off the mark, she replied with, “I’m a badass basic bitch”. We are often quick to judge and quicker to jump to our own conclusions. This woman knew very little about me. She judged me simply on our few interactions with each other. She coined me how she felt I fit into her view.
These Baddie Bs are everywhere. They’re our neighbors, women at church, soccer moms, or single women at the bar. These women are all of different religions and races, they are poor and rich, married, divorced or single. But they all have one thing in common; they are ordinary women doing extraordinary things. And now, it’s time their stories are told.
Follow Brianna on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mombossinaustin/Follow Brianna on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briannademike/Follow the Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassbasicbitch/
Badass Basic Bitch
Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Procedures, Botox, Fillers, with Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tina Ho
Dr. Tina Ho is a fellowship-trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and board-certified head and neck surgeon serving greater Philadelphia. She attended the College of William and Mary as a 1693 Scholar, part of the university’s most selective merit-based scholarship program. Dr. Ho then obtained a degree in medicine at the University of Virginia, where she received several honors, including the Vietnamese American Medical Association National Scholarship. She matched into the highly competitive specialty of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and completed a five-year residency at the University of Kansas Medical Center, one of the top clinical programs in the country. Dr. Ho then pursued a fellowship in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Illinois in Chicago and trained under Dr. Dean Toriumi and Dr. Steven Dayan, world-renowned leading authorities in rhinoplasty and injectable procedures.
Dr. Ho is a highly respected female surgeon in the medical community, noted for her charitable work, scientific contributions, and impressive leadership. She is a proud member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. As a female facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Ho is both approachable and relatable to her patients and strives to empower them with beautiful, natural results. Her philosophy is to provide the highest standard of individualized care in greater Philadelphia for a broad spectrum of facial rejuvenation and reconstructive procedures.